Batch #100 Is Brewing
WE’VE made a new batch of sake almost every week since openinG…
That’s a lot of sake.
To put it into perspective:
We washed at least 10,000 kg of Rice.
We grew about 2,000 kg of Koji.
We packaged roughly 20,000 Bottles of Sake.
And we had probably somewhere around 1,000,000 parties.
For our 100th batch, we decided to do something special and we can’t wait to share it with you. I’ll give you a hint: we added something to our lineup that requires a lot of patience, but the reward is worth the wait. Follow along on our social media over the next few weeks for more info on the release!
The warm weather brought us friends and family this month
We had so many wonderful guests visit us recently! Aya, one of our first employees, was in town with her mom and sister; Evan’s parents and brother visited from CA and even made us lunch at the brewery; James’ brother and mom visited, and Joanie’s parents and sister did as well!
Many of us got to watch James (@jadeworm) play an incredible show at Honey’s one of the nights and Evan joined in on the saxophone, making us one proud brewery.
Our current space is a bit small for hosting, so the visits were mostly staggered, but we can’t wait to bring everyone together at the new taproom when it’s ready.
A huge HUGE thank you to Flint at DaleView for coming together with us in making our first beer collaboration. After a few meetings discussing how our yeast and koji would work together with different parts of the beer brewing process, we gave Flint some of our sake yeast and brought over a few kilograms of our koji for his recipe. We then spent the day at the DaleView brewery, measuring, mashing, and transferring... also eating delicious biscuits and toasting with some barley tea… okay and toasting with a little beer too. We learned so much and had a lot of fun- and seeing as Flint is running a small operation like ours, it was a perfectly scaled introduction into the beer world.
The beer should be released in the next few weeks and we’ll update you on our instagram with information on when and where you can try our creation!
PS- Come find us at the Maria Hernandez Farmers Market on Saturdays all summer long!
Maria Hernandez Park
Knickerbocker Ave (between Suydam and Starr)
Saturdays 8am - 3pm