We can’t thank you enough

You helped us reach the 250K goal.

Thank you very much for all your support. 217 people believed in our business and decided to give us extra hands. That means a lot to us and we feel honored. ⁠

For the past two years, we have been very lucky to meet so many great people. That includes the lovely customers coming to the brewery. The local restaurants, bars and liquor stores who share the passion to sell craft sake. Professionals and collaborators - designers, accountant, architects, lawyers, filmmakers, financial planner, brass band musicians - who know so many things we don't know. And you. ⁠

While the Mainvest campaign has come to a close, our expansion project is just starting. The next milestone is to start producing sake at the new location. Our sales are now capped by the production capacity at the current space. Once we can make more sake, we can sell more sake, and those sales will allow us to start paying back your return. You believed in us and we'd like to return your support by paying you back as quickly as possible. ⁠

We also wanted to thank the Mainvest team, Dom and Lauren, who have patiently guided us to this point. We didn't know what to expect when creating a campaign and it has been a roller coaster ride, but a good one. If you ever decide to open your own sake brewery, we'd recommend working with them on crowdfunding. ⁠

It's been a great 63 days and thank you very much for giving us a chance. We hope to meet you over a glass of sake or two at 379 Troutman soon!⁠

-Shinobu and The KSW Family


Thank you so much to the Pink Boots Society and Mika for coming together with us to put on such a fun educational event. We love getting to talk about sake and all the better when it’s at one of our favorite bars. If you’re interested in learning about beer/alcoholic beverages in general, check out the upcoming Pink Boots events here!

Also, we do our own tasting & tour program at the brewery and you can find availability for that and all our other events on our website or by clicking the button below.


It’s no secret that we’re beer nerds at KSW, so kicking off the NYC Brewers Guild’s Beer Week with our sake featured at Tørst was such a cool experience (we were geeking out the whole time). Thank you to the Tørst team for being such gracious hosts, we had such a blast and can’t wait to be back.





Love is in the Air…